Vector Art
We offer top-quality vector art services with a quick 24-hour turnaround. Vector services include screen print separations, file prep for vinyl cutting, digital printing, and more! As with our Digitizing Services, vector art tracing is done manually and not by automated programs. This allows us a higher level of quality control for the final files.
Already have vector art and need a mockup? We can do that too! For more information, please contact us and we will be happy to help.

Standard Art Services
Art redraw services – Includes color separations.
(24 hour service time)

Intermediate Art Services
Normally on the back of high school senior shirts or similar items. These can be complicated as it takes extra time to get the pen strokes exact.
(24 hour service time)

Complex Art Services
Full back sponsor art is priced per logo and not considered “standard art services”
(24 hour service time)

Custom Art Services
Full back sponsor art is priced per logo and not considered “standard art services”
Contact for pricing
SAME DAY SERVICE: We do offer same day service (redraw services only) for an additional charge of $15 plus the normal cost of the logo. Orders must be received by 10:00am CST to ensure same day service.
Anything that contradicts the original art or instructions is considered an “edit” and subject to an $8 editing fee. We do not create art – we only redraw raster files into vector.